Film Web “Time”

Adele Simphal. Time. A timeless film directed by Günther Gheeraert.


I would like to present my film "Time" which I directed for a great brand of champagne. This is the director's cut version quite different from the video client. I liked to write with the help of Marie Gabrielle Delemer a little poem about time, her work on Nature, the work of the earth, feelings and memories ... in short, themes that are dear to me and which are important to me. Everything was filmed with the director of photography Yoann Suberviolle at the RED Epic Dragon and Zeiss optics CP2 and a small team. I liked the natural and intoxicating side of this shoot and the beautiful result. Thanks also to Guillaume Schmitter for the perfect calibration on this film which retransmets well all the emotions that I wanted to represent. I leave you with the discovery of the film, the poem and some images. See you soon!

Je voudrais vous présenter mon film "Time" que j'ai réalisé pour une grande marque de champagne. Il s'agit ici de la version director's cut assez différente de la vidéo client. J'ai aimé écrire avec l'aide de Marie Gabrielle Delemer un petit poème en anglais sur le temps, son oeuvre sur la Nature, le travail de la terre, les sentiments et les souvenirs... bref des thèmes qui me sont chers et qui me tiennent à coeur. Tout à été filmé avec le directeur de la photographie Yoann Suberviolle à la RED Epic Dragon et des optiques Zeiss CP2 et une petite équipe. J'ai aimé le côté naturel et enivrant de ce tournage et le beau résultat. Merci également à Guillaume Schmitter pour l'étalonnage parfait sur ce film qui retransmets bien toutes les émotions que j'ai voulu représenter. Je vous laisse découvrir le film, puis le texte du poème et enfin quelques images extraites dans la suite. A bientôt !

"Time" Director's cut

Film Director: Günther Gheeraert
Director or Photography: Yoann Suberviolle
Key Light: Olivier Billard
Dronist: Romain Delanez
Colorist: Guillaume Schmitter
Poem: Marie Gabrielle Delemer
Voice over: Bob Bavnani
Music: Yoav Ilan
Mix: Stephane Seroussi
Management: Maxime Decocq
Production: McProd

Camera: Red Epic Dragon
Lenses: Zeiss CP2 series


Time taught me that Nature always decides.
If you let it whisper by your side
You may be overwhelmed by its wisdom
Therefore I do not speak to vineyards, I listen.

Time brought us together my soulmate.
Through hard work, joy, kindness and dignity.
I am so grateful to have met the most beautiful friend.
Life had just begun and we were eager to live.

Time flew but you remained.
Like a perfume in the air.
An entire life was not enough
To honour your grace.

Time has passed, but I didn't forget
The stoic mistress of my young days.
I remember it all started here
And I know it is here that all will end.


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